It is an effort that began on June 2, 2014. That is the last time an employee of Lumbee River EMC had an accident that resulted in lost work time. Since then, LREMC’s 120 employees have amassed just over 1 million hours worked without a lost-time incident.
“It has been a long time coming,” said LREMC Director of Safety Mark Walters. “It has taken a very concerted effort by all of the employees to accomplish this goal. To have achieved this level of performance while dealing with the hazards of our regular work, and then throw in events like Hurricane Matthew, well, I couldn’t be more proud to be a part of a team like this.”
“An attitude toward safety is an integral part of our commitment to our employees as well as our community at Lumbee River EMC,” said LREMC CEO Carmen Dietrich. “Reaching this level of workplace safety takes the daily commitment of every employee in the cooperative, a commitment I know they take seriously. We’re very proud of our employees for setting such a high safety standard.”
“While we recognize and celebrate this first-time accomplishment for the cooperative, our focus is now on the next million hours,” Dietrich added. “It is our objective to be back here again in four years celebrating the completion of 2 million hours without a loss time incident.”