Help Us #ThankaLineworker on April 13

On Monday, April 13, electric cooperatives across our state and nation will celebrate Lineworker Appreciation Day, an annual tribute to the outstanding contributions of our lineworkers. While our lineworkers are much appreciated every day, the second Monday in April is set aside each year to thank them and give them much-deserved recognition.

“North Carolina has been hit hard by hurricanes and storms in recent years, and our lineworkers have gone above and beyond, often in difficult circumstances, to serve co-op members,” said Farris Leonard, manager of Job Training and Safety for North Carolina’s Electric Cooperatives. “This dedication is on display once again as we face an unprecedented time of need, and lineworkers have stepped up to continue providing a vital service to cooperative members and communities.”

In response to COVID-19, co-op field personnel have implemented new scheduling, vehicle use and physical distancing practices as they maintain critical infrastructure. Co-ops have also coordinated with suppliers and partners to safeguard access to necessary components, materials and support resources and ensure that cooperative members continue to have safe, reliable and affordable electric power.

To further honor the work of utility lineworkers, a new Keeping the Lights On specialty license plate will soon be available to the state’s drivers. The cost of the new plate is $30, with $20 from each plate benefiting the North Carolina Jaycee Burn Center at UNC Heath Care. North Carolina’s Electric Cooperatives are a long-time partner of the center and, in partnership with more than 80 organizations and individuals, have donated nearly $2 million to help it become one of the leading comprehensive burn centers in the world.

The plate was developed by North Carolina’s Electric Cooperatives in partnership with Duke Energy and ElectriCities to pay tribute to the state’s lineworkers and other utility employees. Last year, the N.C. General Assembly passed legislation that was signed into law by Gov. Roy Cooper authorizing the new plate.

On April 13 and every day, please help us #ThankaLineworker for all they do.