Five Energy Tips to Help Brighten Your Holidays

Electric cooperatives are committed to helping you use energy wisely this holiday season. Here are some simple ways you can be merry, bright and energy efficient:

Consider using LED lights to decorate instead of incandescent bulbs. LEDs use less energy and last longer.

Set holiday lights on automatic timers to minimize the time lights stay on overnight and during the day.

• Use your kitchen appliances efficiently. Run your dishwasher with full loads and opt for the air-dry setting. Don’t preheat the oven when cooking large pieces of meat. Try baking multiple dishes in the oven at the same time, and use a Crockpot rather than your electric oven when you can.

• Seal cracks around windows and insulate exposed pipes to keep heat in your home and money in your wallet.

• Turn down the thermostat. Home heating is often one of the highest energy expenses for families. Cutting back on the heat, especially when you have a houseful of guests, could save you a lot this winter.

For more information about how to be energy efficient year-round, visit our Energy Tips page or connect with your local cooperative.