Edgecombe-Martin County EMC Aids in Honoring Vietnam War Veterans

Last month, Edgecombe-Martin County EMC employees volunteered to help assemble a traveling, three-quarter scale replica of Washington, D.C.’s Vietnam Veterans Memorial. The chevron-shaped exhibit, named “The Wall That Heals,” was sponsored by the Edgecombe Veteran’s Military Museum and chronologically lists the names of more than 58,000 Americans who gave their lives in service to their country during the Vietnam War.

Edgecombe-Martin County EMC employees at “The Wall That Heals” in Tarboro

Co-op employees also assisted visitors at the memorial, which was accompanied by a mobile education center. Exhibits give visitors a better understanding of the legacy of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial and the collection of items left at The Wall. Tarboro was the only stop in the state for the traveling memorial in 2019.