Brunswick Electric Wins National Communication Awards

Last week, Brunswick Electric was recognized with two Spotlight on Excellence Awards at the 2019 CONNECT conference in Houston. Each year the awards program recognizes outstanding work produced by electric co-op communication and marketing professionals across the country. The awards are sponsored by the Certified Cooperative Communicator (CCC) Program and the Council of Rural Electric Communicators.

Heather Holbrook accepted the awards at the 2019 CONNECT Conference.

Brunswick Electric received a Gold award for entries in two categories: Best Special Publication (small) and Best Special Publication (large), for its New Resident guide and 2018–2021 Strategic Plan, respectively.

“Communication has become increasingly more important for electric co-ops as things change in our industry. With our guide series, we are making it simpler for members to understand the nuts and bolts of their service as well as what it means to be a member of a co-op. The New Resident guide is a no-frills approach to how to apply for new service — we connect an average of 200 new services per month,” said Brunswick Electric Marketing Communications Supervisor Heather Holbrook. Holbrook also was recently elected to serve on the CCC board, the governing body of the national certification program. “And given the growth in our service territory, the senior management team developed and executed a new three-year Strategic Plan to build on the cooperative’s strong foundation with an eye trained on the future.”

The 4-page New Resident guide — particularly targeting new residents in apartments and condos — was designed to make the process of establishing new electric service as easy to understand as possible, and to put new members at ease. The Strategic Plan is an internal document designed for the co-op’s Board of Directors, management and employees in order to align the collective efforts of the cooperative and serve as a guiding document as the co-op’s service area grows and changes.

A list of all the 2019 Spotlight on Excellence winners is available on