Brunswick Electric to Launch Member-Focused Peak Demand Initiative

Brunswick Electric Membership Corporation (BEMC) will begin a new demand reduction initiative, Beat the Peak, in December. The objective of Beat the Peak is to level off peaks in energy usage that occur during the times of highest demand, therefore reducing wholesale power costs.

“We’ll be asking members to collectively reduce energy usage for a short period of time,” said CEO Josh Winslow. “There is strength in numbers, and by working together to lower demand during these times we can reduce the rate we pay for wholesale power, keeping everyone’s electric bill as low as possible.”

Beginning in December, BEMC members will be notified by text and/or email when extreme temperatures — like cold winter mornings or hot summer afternoons — are in the forecast. Beat the Peak alerts encourage members to adjust their thermostats in real time and to shift when they use large appliances, reducing the overall demand for power. Members who wish not to participate in the alert program will have an opt-out option.

“The more participation we have, the greater the benefit to the entire membership,” Winslow said.