Albemarle EMC Community Grants Pass $1 Million Mark

Albemarle EMC recently surpassed the $1 million mark in Albemarle Community Trust (ACT) grants awarded in its service area.

ACT funds are generated through the co-op’s Operation RoundUp program, which was established in 2002 and allows members to round their power bill up to the nearest dollar, with the difference going to the ACT. The trust is overseen by a nine-member volunteer board of directors appointed by the Albemarle EMC Board of Directors. Typically, grants can be approved up to $5,000.

“Over the years, these grants have made possible Jaws of Life for fire department personnel to extract motorists from wrecked vehicles, swimming lessons to prevent youngsters from drowning, groceries for a food pantry that feeds the less fortunate, a place of refuge for victims of domestic abuse and so much more,” said Albemarle EMC Coordinator of Public Relations Chris Powell. “The trust, combined with Operation RoundUp, make all of that possible. The credit for this achievement goes solely to our generous members.”

Albemarle Hopeline Grants Manager Courtney Cottrell (left) and Interim Executive Director Heidi Prentiss receive an ACT grant.