Grow in Hyde County

Nestled along the interior coast of the Outer Banks, this flat, cleared acreage is co-located with the county-owned airport that will expand to a 5,000 ft. runway in next few years.

Count on Tideland EMC

Serving over 22,000 meters in Dare, Hyde, Beaufort, Washington, Pamlico and Craven counties, Tideland EMC has provided safe, reliable, affordable power to communities along North Carolina’s coast since 1935.

Site Spec Brochure

Site Overview

  • Size

    386 acres

  • Type of Space


  • Distance to Interstate

    108 miles

  • Closest Airport

    44.3 miles

  • Closest International Airport

    137 miles

  • Rail Access


  • Electric

    Tideland EMC

  • Natural Gas

    Piedmont Natural Gas Company, Inc

  • Water

    None available

  • Sewer

    None available

Partner With Your Local Co-op

Together with our consumer-members, North Carolina’s 26 electric cooperatives are creating a brighter future for North Carolina’s rural people and communities. Our innovation and actions are guided by our local roots and focus on delivering value to cooperative members and communities. In this decade and beyond, we will continue our commitment to providing reliable electricity at the lowest possible cost while also advancing the pursuit of responsible sustainability goals.

Concern for community is a hallmark of the cooperative difference, and we continue to invest in education grants and programs, zero-interest economic development loans, the deployment of rural broadband and other efforts aimed at improving the daily lives of our members and strengthening our communities.

Ready to get started? We can help.

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