Renewable Interconnections

You may be eligible to sell electricity to NCEMC if you own qualifying generation such as wind, solar, or hydroelectric that interconnects directly to the electric grid of eligible members of North Carolina Electric Membership Corporation. Unless otherwise negotiated, under these options for the purchase of qualifying energy, you as the generator owner would maintain all Renewable Energy Certificates associated with the output.

What is a Qualifying Facility (QF)?

Qualifying Facilities are a class of generators recognized under the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 (PURPA). There are two types of QFs; small power producers up to 80 MW (typically fueled by renewable resources), or cogeneration facilities.

How do I obtain QF status?

An owner or operator of a generating facility with a maximum net power production capacity of greater than 1 MW (1,000 kW) may obtain QF status by either submitting a self-certification to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), or applying for and obtaining a Commission certification of QF status, and must do so by completing and electronically filing a FERC Form No. 556 with the Commission. FERC Order No. 732 does not require facilities with net capacity of 1 MW or less to make a filing with the Commission to claim QF status, although applicants for such facilities may seek certification if they wish to do so.

For full details and information, see

All QF developers that intend to sell energy to NCEMC are fully responsible for adhering to all utility requirements, applicable federal rules and regulations, state and local ordinances, and regulations adopted by the North Carolina Utilities Commission. This website does not establish a legal or binding arrangement; it is intended solely to provide access to general information about potential options that may be available through NCEMC. Parties considering ownership or operation of generating facilities should consult with appropriate legal and energy professionals to determine if generation ownership is the right choice and for assistance in navigating applicable requirements and procedures.

Note: The step sequence below is a suggestion intended solely to provide access to general information about potential options that may be available.

Step 1: File the NCUC Report of Proposed Construction or Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity
All generation facilities must submit a Report of Proposed Construction, or if more than 2 megawatts (MW), apply and receive a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity from the North Carolina Utilities Commission (NCUC). These requirements provide the necessary notification to install a renewable generation facility in the State of North Carolina.
The following information is provided to assist customers in meeting requirements under N.C. General Statutes and is not intended to interpret or replace provisions of any statute or regulation.

What you need to know

  • The State of North Carolina requires that a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity (CPCN) be obtained before a customer commences construction of a generating facility. See N.C.G.S. §62-110.1 for complete text.
  • Section (g) of the statute exempts facilities under 2 MW that are fueled by a renewable energy resource or facilities that are primarily for self-generation purposes from the CPCN requirement. However, generators that are exempt from the CPCN requirement must instead submit a Report of Proposed Construction to the NCUC and provide a copy to the interconnecting utility prior to construction.

Report of Proposed Construction Requirements (generators under 2 MW fueled by renewable resources or facilities that are primarily for self-generation purposes)

NCUC Rule R8-64 provides information required to submit a Report of Proposed Construction to the NCUC. In addition, please submit a copy of the report to the local NCEMC member distribution cooperative to which the facility will be interconnected.

Visit the NCUC website to acquire the docket number once the document is filed with the Commission. Search Tip: Search for the docket number filing in the “All documents by date” section and select “SP-Small Power Producer” in the “For company types” section.

Contact Information for NCUC:

For USPS mail:
North Carolina Utilities Commission
4325 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27699-4300

For FedEx, UPS or other overnight service:
North Carolina Utilities Commission
Dobbs Building
430 North Salisbury Street
Raleigh, NC 27603-5918

Step 2: Request Approval to Interconnect
All generation developers that intend to interconnect renewable generation to operate in parallel with the utility grid must adhere to all requirements and conditions of the NCEMC member distribution cooperative. Developers that own qualifying generation facilities such as solar and wind will begin the interconnection process by contacting the NCEMC member distribution cooperative and submitting an Interconnection Request to the NCEMC member distribution cooperative with which an interconnection agreement is sought.

Step 3: Submit Notice of Commitment to Sell Output
After completing Steps 1 and 2,the developer of a generator must submit a “Notice of Commitment to Sell the Output of a Qualifying Facility to NCEMC” form (NOC Form) is submitted to NCEMC to establish a legally enforceable obligation. The NOC Form is available at the bottom of this page and requires the inclusion of an 8760 hour load shape spreadsheet (also available at the bottom of this page). Submission of the NOC Form begins the timeline on the Power Purchase Agreement process.

Step 4: Execute Interconnection Agreement
Execute an Interconnection Agreement with the NCEMC member distribution cooperative to which the generator is interconnecting.

Step 5: Negotiate and Execute a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA)
A PPA establishes the conditions, contract length of term, and rate for which the electricity will be purchased. If your facility is 100 kW or smaller, you qualify for our standard offer, which can be found in the “Resources” section at the bottom of this page.

To begin this process, contact: