Your Future is in North Carolina

Your Future is in North Carolina

In North Carolina, a nationally ranked business climate, strong infrastructure, appealing quality of life and a prepared workforce await you. Electric cooperatives are committed to powering your growth and future in our communities with special rates, incentives and services. Welcome home.

Economic Development by Cooperatives, for Communities

Economic Development by Cooperatives, for Communities

Electric cooperatives are building a brighter future for our state – and for your business – by driving growth and prosperity in our communities. By partnering with economic development agencies, electric cooperatives are supporting job creation and businesses seeking to start, expand or relocate.

Grow Your Business With Our Innovative Team

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Premier locations served by an electric cooperative, Cooperative Ready Sites offer completed due diligence studies – reducing uncertainty and increasing speed of development. From the mountains to the coast, electric cooperatives are committed to driving growth and increasing prosperity, and supporting businesses with critical research and analysis is one way we do that.

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Our Results

Since 2015, we have contributed to over 100 projects that have resulted in:

$100M in Grants and Loans
$1B+ in New Capital Investments
6,000 Jobs Created in Rural NC

Success Stories

First GNT USA, Inc. US Facility to be Built in Apple Creek Corp. Park